
Featured Idaho Wheat News

The most relevant industry news curated specifically for Idaho’s wheat growers.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

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Idaho Grain Night

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Enter the National Wheat Yield Contest

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Latest News

EPA Promises to Make Herbicide Strategy Better for Farmers

There is a pressing issue of rapidly evolving herbicide-resistant weed populations that pose a threat to crop production sustainability for Idaho wheat farmers. With promised improvements made by The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), farmers will have more options for controlling weed populations more effectively.

Planted Acreage Uncertainty Disrupts U.S. Grain Markets

Idaho wheat farmers have planted about 1.16 million acres of wheat this year, just a slight decrease from last year's 1.17 million acres. Assuming normal weather as the winter wheat crop progresses and spring wheat crops are seeded, wheat futures could feel a downward tug in early summer. While analysts expect wheat price weakness this summer, the near-term outlook is described as less bearish.

Strategies for Managing the Unique Stresses Faced by Ag Producers

The agricultural community is increasingly worried about the profound mental health issues affecting its producers. This highlights the crucial need to tackle stressors and create a dependable support system with trusted advisors. There are many unknowns in agrculture that can cause stress for Idaho farmers. Experts identify these potential stress areas as production risk, financial risk, legal risk, and human risk.

Wheat Groups Welcome New Funding for Food Assistance

Idaho wheat farmers have more opportunties to help increase global food assistance under a new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) funding program. This funding will provide wheat and other commodities to address food insecurity and will help the U.S. wheat industry continue to be a reliable source of food for the world. Local and national wheat farmers have been partners in U.S. food assistance programs for more than 70 years.

U.S. Wheat Market Has Been Remarkably Resilient Amid Climate Change

Idaho's wheat production is influenced by climate change in various ways, including temperature and moisture changes, pest and disease challenges, and water availability. Research practices in sustainable farmng, water management, and crop rotation contribute to the resilience of the wheat market against environmental stresses.

U.S. Wheat Trade Teams Provide Customers a Professional and Personal Experience

U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is ready to launch another trade team season. Idaho wheat farmer and USW Vice Chairman Clark Hamilton describes farm vists as an important event for customers, and a valuable experience for the farmers who host them. Half of Idaho's wheat is exported to overseas markets, so inviting, hosting, and leading trade teams is a key piece of the puzzle for market development.

The Ramifications and Reality of Breaching the Dams of the Pacific Northwest - Part 2

Wheat grown in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington travel through the Columbia and Snake River Systems to the Portland habor for global distribution. Portland harbor exports the largest volume of wheat in the U.S., and the Columbia River is the third largest grain exporting center in the world.

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