Public Records Request

Public Records Request

According to Idaho Code §74-102, every person has a right to examine and copy any public record of this state. All public records in Idaho are open at all reasonable times for inspection except as otherwise expressly provided by statute. To assist our staff in fulfilling public records requests, please complete the following form.

Your Name*



Phone Number*

Date of Request* 

According to §74-103, IDCTE will either grant or deny your request to examine public records within three working days of receiving the request. If we need more time to fulfill your request, you will be notified in writing, and the request will be fulfilled no later than 10 working days after your request was received.

Please describe the subject matter and records sought, including a specific date range for when the records were created. Be as specific as possible to enable us to locate such records with reasonable effort.

Thank you! We will be in touch soon!
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