
Budget Review

  • 2023 Total Revenue: $748 million - Third largest crop value
  • Total Planted Acres: 1,170,000
  • Winter Acres: 750,000 | Spring Acres: 410,000
  • 2023 Total Idaho Production: 89,110,000 Bushels
  • $200,000 contributed to the IWC Endowed Chair for Risk Management at University of Idaho. IWC has now contributed $1,600,000of a $2,000,000 pledge.
  • Reached 8,537 Idaho fourth graders through the Bread in a Bag program
  • Supported 21 research projects at U of I, USDA-ARS, OSU, WSU, and Wheat Marketing Center
  • Licensed UI Cookie, a soft white spring wheat variety. UI will be made available commercially in 2023, royalty free.
  • Continued market development
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