Idaho Wheat farm families care about the land. We take pride in growing the highest quality wheat in a sustainable and environmentally-conscious way.
Administrative duties of the Idaho Wheat Commission are carried out by our four-member team. Our staff works on behalf of Idaho’s wheat producers to execute the mission of the Commission through market development, research, and education.
Staff directoryEstablished by wheat farmers in 1959 and funded by Idaho’s wheat growers, the Idaho Wheat Commission is a not-for-profit, self-governing state agency. It is the Commission’s responsibility to increase wheat grower profits by investing funds in market development, wheat research, and wheat grower education. The Idaho Wheat Commission is governed by a board of five wheat growers who are appointed by the Governor of the State of Idaho to serve a five-year term, and one emeritus status, non-voting commissioner. The board hires an executive director who assembles a staff to carry out the mission of the Commission.
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