
Bringing our community together.

Idaho Wheat Commission provides opportunities throughout the year for Idaho’s wheat farmers to connect with and learn from fellow farmers and cereal experts. Join us for our webinars, workshops, seminars, and conferences.  Check this page often to join a conversation.
Learn more

from the field

Upcoming Webinars

Assurance, Improvement, and End-Use Quality of Idaho Wheat

Did you know wheat and flour specifications often require specialized testing to determine how the flour will perform during processing and baking? Moisture, ash, and protein content, as well as falling number, are also determined with this testing. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, as we chat with Sarah Windes, University of Idaho Wheat Quality Lab Supervisor about her collaboration with Idaho wheat growers, breeders, and researchers to provide end-use quality analysis of Idaho wheat.

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Upcoming Events

Idaho Falls, March 4
IWC Direct Seed Workshop
June 17-18
Domestic Marketing Tour
July 19, Idaho Falls
Idaho Grain Night with the Idaho Falls Chukars

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wheat events, news and updates.
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