From the Field

Our Webinar Library

From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat covers a variety of topics that relate directly to production and profitability on the farm.  From the Field is always free and is intended to be a casual conversation between growers and experts on topics that will impact your operation and your bottom line. Join us live or catch up on a recorded video on YouTube or podcast on Spotify, and as always, if you have a suggested topic you’d like us to cover, send that our way to Britany at
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March 13, 2025

From Seed to Slice: The Role of Science in Wheat Quality

The USDA ARS Western Wheat Quality Lab (WWQL) in Pullman, Washington is essential for Idaho wheat farmers, ensuring their wheat meets top milling and baking standards. Through collaboration with breeders, geneticists, and pathologists, the lab evaluates new wheat varieties to align with market demands and boost profitability. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we sit down with Sean Finnie, Director of the USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Lab. Gain valuable insights into wheat research that drives higher yields, greater resilience, and superior quality.

February 20, 2025

US Wheat Price Reports

Are you interested in learning about valuable insights into wheat export markets and how you can use them effectively? Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we talk with Tyllor Ledford, Market Analyst for U.S. Wheat Associates. We will chat about the weekly price report and how it can help your bottom line.

February 6, 2025

Water Use Efficiency in Idaho Wheat

Water efficiency is more important than ever as Idaho agriculture grapples with challenges like population growth, urbanization, and climate change. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we sit down with Jared Gibbons, a University of Idaho Extension educator, to discuss his innovative use of near-infrared cameras mounted on drones. These cutting-edge tools help identify subtle differences in water use among cereal varieties, including wheat. Discover how identifying water-efficient wheat varieties can empower farmers to grow crops that thrive with less water, promoting sustainable agriculture across Idaho's diverse landscapes.

January 23, 2025

Protecting Your Yields Against Wheat Diseases

Stripe rust and soil-borne mosaic virus are two significant threats to wheat production. Both thrive in cool, moist conditions and can lead to severe yield losses if not managed promptly. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we have a conversation with Kurt Schroeder, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist in Cropping Systems Agronomy with the University of Idaho, to learn what steps you can take to minimize the threat of these wheat diseases and maximize profitability on your farms.

November 7, 2024

Advancing Idaho's Wheat Industry with Arthur Companies

Arthur Companies has established a strong presence in Idaho, specializing in crop merchandising, grain handling, and agricultural inputs. Collaborating closely with local wheat producers, they focus on enhancing productivity and expanding competitive market access for wheat and other grains. Join us for our upcoming From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, where Ken Morgan, Merchandiser for Arthur Companies, will discuss advancing Idaho’s wheat industry and supporting farmers in building profitable, resilient operations

October 24, 2024

Improving Nitrogetn Management for Idaho's Winter Wheat Crop

Nitrogen fertilizer plays a vital role in successful wheat production, helping to maximize yield and ensure protein levels in harvested grain meet market demands. Join us for the next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, where Utah State Professor and Extension Agronomist Earl Creech will discuss nitrogen rates, application timings, and advancements in fertilizer technologies to boost profitability for Idaho wheat farmers.

October 3, 2024

U.S. Wheat Trends in South Asia

South and Southeast Asia are home to some of the largest importers of U.S. wheat, with a strong demand for soft white wheat from Idaho. Shifting dietary trends, evolving market needs, growing populations, and socioeconomic changes are influencing how the region utilizes U.S. wheat. Find out how during our From the Field featuring Joe Sowers, Regional Vice President of U.S. Wheat South and Southeast Asia.

September 19, 2024

Wheat Quality and Global Markets

Did you know the U.S. Wheat Associates’ West Coast office in Portland, Oregon, plays a vital role in providing market development support for their 15 offices around the world? In our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, we’ll be joined by Steve Wirsching, Vice President of U.S. Wheat Associates, to discuss the critical role of customer relations and market development programs. With a strong emphasis on wheat quality, purchase specifications, and supply chain management, U.S. Wheat is dedicated to helping Idaho wheat farmers maintain sustainability and boost profitability.

September 5, 2024

Developing Soft White Winter Wheat for Idaho

For more than a decade, the University of Idaho's Soft White Winter Wheat (SWWW) breeding program has flourished through a successful collaboration with Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). This partnership has resulted in the widespread adoption of various SWWW varieties across the Pacific Northwest. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, as we sit down with LCS wheat breeder Dylan Larkin to discuss his role in producing high-quality SWWW for Idaho's wheat farmers.

August 8, 2024

Essential Services and Sustainable Practices

Ririe Grain and Feed Co-op delivers essential agricultural products and services to its member farmers, offering grain storage and handling, feed, seed, and other farming supplies. By providing access to these vital inputs and services at competitive prices, Ririe Grain and Feed supports Idaho farmers. Join us for our next "From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat," where we will speak with Lee Andersen, General Manager of Ririe Grain and Feed Co-op. He will discuss the tools and resources needed to leverage bargaining power for maintaining a competitive, productive, and sustainable farm.

July 19, 2024

A Deep Dive Into Idaho's Water Curtailment

With about half of Idaho’s wheat grown under irrigation, water is critical to maintaining the volume and quality of Idaho wheat. Idaho’s water issues came to a head this spring when the Idaho Department of Water Resources issued a curtailment that pitted groundwater users and surface water users against each other. We’re diving in to the long history of water policy, misunderstandings, and misinformation swirling across the state with Paul Arrington, Executive Director of the Idaho Water Users Association, who will share the straight facts of Idaho’s water challenges, the current state of water availability, and how we move forward.

June 27, 2024

Navigating the Controversy of the Lower Snake River Dams

The Lower Snake River dams play a significant role in the transportation of Idaho wheat. These dams are facing criticism due to their environmental impact, particularly on salmon populations. Adam Ratliff, producer and videographer of a web series about bridges and dams has been studying the pros and cons of the Lower Snake River dams for years. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, as we chat with Adam about these important and controversial structures.

June 14, 2024

Practical Applications of Advanced Agricultural Techniques in Farming

Blake Matthews, an innovative row crop and small grains farmer, has been collaborating with Agronomist Jared Cook for the last 14 years. Recently they have been working on research funded by an Innovative Agriculture and Market Program (IAMP) grant. Their work focuses on the practical applications of advanced agricultural techniques in farming. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, where we will discuss with Blake and Jared how these advanced techniques can be adapted by Idaho wheat farmers to enhance productivity and sustainability on their farms.

Nutrient Efficiency for Quality Idaho Wheat Production

Is your wheat nutrient efficient? Take a seat at the table with us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we talk with Jason Cook about how to create an environment that promotes absorption and utilization of nutrients to achieve optimal yield and quality. Find out the three key plant process that influence nutrient efficiency.

2024 Legislative Session with IGPA

The Idaho State Legislature has concluded its 2024 session, and there's plenty to discuss. Join us as we sit down with Stacey Satterlee, Executive Director of the Idaho Grain Producers Association, to review the highlights of the legislative session. Discover the benefits of joining IGPA, explore the bills that were introduced, and gain insights into what we can anticipate in upcoming sessions.

USDA ARS Wheat Quality Lab

Did you know the Western Wheat Quality Lab of the USDA-Agricultural Research Service conducts investigations with breeders, geneticists, and pathologists in Idaho to evaluate the milling and baking quality characteristics of wheat? Join us for our next From the Field, Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, as we chat with Dr. Alecia Kiszonas, a USDA-ARS Biologist, to see how your grower dollars are being used to evaluate variety samples for quality attributes for our export customers.

April 8, 2024

From Seed to Harvest with McGregor Co

The McGregor Company supports growers across the Pacific Northwest, providing essential resources such as seed, crop inputs, equipment, research, and advice needed to raise healthy, sustainable crops. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we engage in a discussion with Cat Salois, Director of Research and Technology, and Richard Fillmore, Account Manager at McGregor, about crop production research and rate application technologies designed to increase yields for wheat farmers in Idaho.

April 9, 2024

Enhancing Weed Seedbank Control

Join us for our upcoming From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, where we'll discuss the pressing issue of rapidly evolving herbicide-resistant weed populations that pose a threat to crop production sustainability in Idaho. Our guest, Albert Adjesiwor, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Idaho, will talk about the importance of implementing crop rotations that incorporate competitive crops such as wheat and alfalfa. Learn how these strategies can effectively enhance weed seedbank control and optimize crop production.

April 9, 2024

Overcoming Weed Herbicide Resistance

Weeds pose a significant threat to wheat production, especially those resistant to herbicides. Multiple herbicide-resistant Italian ryegrass strains have been identified as a particular concern in Idaho. Take a seat at the table with us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, Wednesday, February 28, 2024, as we talk with Joan Campbell, Principal Researcher with the University of Idaho. Joan will discuss the potential effectiveness of using seed safeners to combat herbicide-resistant Italian ryegrass in wheat fields throughout Idaho, and their ability to enhance yields for growers.

Navigating Success at the Port of Lewiston

Did you know the Port of Lewiston operates as a pivotal intermodal transportation hub for international trade? With a commitment to advancing trade, the Port of Lewiston boasts the most extensive crane and warehouse facility within the inland river system. Join us for From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat; as we have a conversation with Scott Corbitt, General Manager of the Port of Lewiston, Thursday, February 15, 2024, 1pm MT about how this infrastructure contributes significantly to the region's economic landscape, with an emphasis on supporting the Idaho wheat industry.

University of Idaho Wheat Varieties and Spring Seeding

Idaho Wheat Commission (IWC) has licensed UI Cookie, a soft white spring wheat developed by researchers with the University of Idaho, in an effort to increase the return on investment of wheat grower dollars. U of I wheat breeders have also developed a hard white spring wheat, UI Gold. Join us for From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we talk with Dr. Jianli Chen, Professor of Plant Sciences with the University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences about the development of these wheat varieties, their value to Idaho wheat growers, and options for seeding.

October 24, 2023

Long Term Trends in the Wheat Industry

U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is the export market development organization for the U.S. wheat industry. How does the Idaho Wheat Commission leverage grower dollars to promote the reliability and value of all wheat classes to wheat buyers, millers, and bakers? What are the long-term trends within the wheat industry and how are international markets maintained to enhance profitability for wheat growers? Vince Petersen, President of U.S. Wheat Associates will answer these questions and more during our From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat.

October 18, 2023

Wheat Microbiomes and Multiple Disease Resistance

A major goal of PNW wheat breeders is to produce varieties with resistance to the large number of diseases that affect wheat in the region. What wheat diseases in the PNW can be reduced through microbiome genetic resistance? What is the most effective way to evaluate effects of wheat on microbiome populations that suppress disease? Join us for From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat, as we sit down with Chris Mundt, Cereal Pathologist and Professor at Oregon State University, to answer these questions and talk about valuable insights to disease resistance crops in the Pacific Northwest.

September 26, 2023

World and U.S. Wheat Supply and Demand

Did you know about half of the wheat grown in the United States is exported to customers overseas? What does that mean for global supply and demand with the recent decline of U.S. wheat production due to drought and market volatility? Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we sit down with Mike Spier, Vice President of Overseas Operations for U.S. Wheat Associates, to talk about the current world and U.S. wheat supply and demand situation, and how U.S. wheat contributes to global wheat supply.

September 26, 2023

Geopolitics and Global Economics of Wheat

Three of the top five importing countries of U.S. wheat are in the Pacific Rim, so let's talk about those markets today, and those market outlooks for the future. How do we secure those markets to keep wheat flowing to Asia? Join us for From the Field as we chat with Candace Roper, Chief Representative of CoBank, Singapore, to talk about trade finance relationships in Asia.

September 21, 2023

Falling Numbers

Late harvest rains made for low falling number results throughout Idaho this year. What does that mean, how is it measured, and what research is being done to address high alpha amylase in the future? We will answer all these questions and more during our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we chat with Juliet Marshall, Department Head and Professor - Plant Pathologist at the University of Idaho.

August 24, 2023

Effective Weed Management Practices

Herbicide-resistant weed populations are evolving rapidly and threatening the sustainability of crop production in the Pacific Northwest. Join us for our next From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we talk about weed management practices with Albert Adjesiwor, Weed Scientist at the University of Idaho. Learn about recommended crop rotations that include competitive crops like wheat and alfalfa to manage the threat of herbicide-resistant weeds.

Gain Control Over Grain Markets

The complexity of grain markets can feel overwhelming and hard to grasp, but it doesn't have to be. Join our conversation with Dr. Xiaoli Etienne, University of Idaho Endowed Chair of Grain Marketing and Risk Management as she shares her knowledge and expertise about futures markets, futures hedging, and cost of carry and basis.

July 20, 2023

Environmentally Sustainable Waterways

The Pacific Northwest Waterways Association (PNWA) is a non-partisan trade association and advocates for federal policies in support of economic development. Join us for From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat as we sit down with Heather Stebbings, Executive Director of PNWA to talk about her work with Congress, federal agencies and other decision-makers on transportation, trade, energy, and environmental policies that affect the export process and what PNWA is doing to preserve the dams on the Snake River.

July 6, 2023

Idaho Grain Inspection Services

Take seat at the table with us as we sit down with Dustin and Jennifer Young from Idaho Grain Inspection Service (IGIS). IGIS works closely with Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) to facilitate the marketing of U.S. grain and related products by establishing standards for quality assessments, regulating handling practices, and provides impartial official inspection and weighing services for Idaho grain products.

From the Field: Healthy Soil, Healthy Crop, Healthy Harvest

Nutrient stratification commonly refers to a distribution of nutrients that are non-uniform with soil depth, and especially to situations with higher concentrations of nutrients (such as phosphorus or potassium) near the soil surface. Learn more about this and other tips and tricks by joining us for From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat. We will break it all down with Jared Cook from Rocky Mountain Agronomics and find out how he assists farmers in helping them maximize crop yields by analyzing soil nutrient antagonisms, biological functions, and environmental stresses to produce a healthy crop.

April 21, 2023

From the Field: To the Hill

Take a seat at the table as we sit down with National Association of Wheat Growers’ Mariah Wollweber, Director of Communications and Partnerships, and Jake Westlin, Vice President of Policy and Communications, for a chat about how IWC leverages your assessment dollars to expand political reach. We will be digging into the Farm Bill, the wheat lifecycle assessment study, trade, and the policies and efforts in D.C. that affect your bottom line.

March 24, 2023

From the Field: Is Milling Just a Grind or Is It a Science?

The amount of technical skill to crush wheat kernels into useable flour is often surprising. Join us for a chat with Shawn Thiele from the International Grains Program (IGP) at Kansas State University who will broaden our understanding of the grind of milling.

From the Field: To the Markets

About half of Idaho's wheat and the wheat grown in the United States is exported. How are our trade relationships with countries around the world and what do you need to know on your farm to make sure the wheat gets to the buyer, miller, and the baker? We sat down with Dalton Henry and Peter Laudeman, U.S. Wheat Trade Policy experts, for a Q & A about getting wheat from Idaho's fields to family dinner tables around the world.

From the Field: Maybe It's Not the Gluten -- FODMAPS and Wheat Digestibility

Join us for conversations we host with Idaho wheat growers and some experts on a wide range of topics that relate directly to production and profitability on the farm.

November 29, 2022

Improving Nitrogen Management in Dryland Wheat

Nitrogen management in semi-arid dryland winter wheat production systems in Southeast Idaho is particularly complicated due to year-to-year variability in precipitation. High precipitation in the spring and preceding fall increase wheat production but insufficient nitrogen, coupled with partial loss of nitrogen from abundant precipitation, can cause low protein levels in wheat, resulting in considerable loss in value at market. In low precipitation years, excess nitrogen fertilization represents an unnecessary expense in a year when yields are down. Join us to talk with the team of USU researchers whose work on this topic is funded by Idaho wheat grower dollars.

October 12, 2022

From the Field: Wheat Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome

Curious about wheat's role in gut health? Not sure how to distinguish between science and "science" when it comes to wheat foods? Listen in on this recording when we talked with Dr. Corrie Whisner, a nutrition scientist at Arizona State University, about the myths and facts of wheat nutrition and the effects of wheat foods on the gut.

September 15, 2022

Why the variety you choose to plant matters in end-use, production, and the markets

August 11, 2022

Grain Storage Safety

As harvest gets into full swing, we want to share some important information with you about grain storage safety. Grain bin accidents are a leading cause of death and injury in the agricultural community each year. We want to keep Idaho farmers, their families, and employees safe. Please take a few minutes to listen to Carol Jones chat about grain bin safety on this month's episode of From the Field.

July 19, 2022

The Role of Wheat Markets in Global Food Aid Programs

Do you know how much wheat is distributed through the USDA and USAID food aid programs? How the wheat is sourced? How food aid donations impact wheat markets? We sat down with U.S. Wheat Associates Director of Trade Policy, Shelbi Knisley, to answer common questions and chat about food aid programs.

May 27, 2022

From the Field: Idaho's Water Outlook with Paul Arrington

We sat down with Paul Arrington, Executive Director of the Idaho Water Users Association to talk about drought, curtailments, reservoir levels, and all things water during this farm chat with Idaho Wheat episode.

April 12, 2022

Glyphosate Alternatives for Pre-Plant Burndown

From price increases up to 300% to cancer claims and lawsuits, using glyphosate is being met with increasing challenges. Dr. Albert Adjesiwor, University of Idaho extension weed scientist gives some viable alternatives for pre-plant burndown and weed control in wheat during this episode of From the Field.

March 15, 2022

Five Things to Know About Succession Planning

97% of Idaho's farms are family owned and operated. Do you have a plan to keep your operation in the family for generations to come? We chatted with Peter Christofferson, an Idaho attorney whose expertise in estate planning and real estate law, about what Idaho farmers need to know* to get a succession plan in place.

March 3, 2022

A Healthier Idaho Agriculture

The people behind Idaho agriculture have a lot to be proud of, but they also face a lot of challenges. This episode of From the Field features Lesley Kelly, farmer and mental health advocate, for a chat across industries about how keeping Idaho's farmers and ranchers healthy keeps Idaho agriculture going strong.

January 20, 2022

Is Soil Health Just a Buzzword?

Shawn Nield, State Soil Scientist for USDA-NRCS answered all of the questions about soil health, how that term is defined, how to improve the health of your soil and how to work with what you’ve got. He was joined by Marlon Winger, Regional Soil Scientist, USDA – NRCS. We had a great conversation with wheat producers about first-hand efforts to improve soil health on the farm.

January 5, 2022

What Can NRCS Do for Your Farming Operation?

Do you know the range of programs available for Idaho farms through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS)? In our latest From the Field: Farm Chat with Idaho Wheat we were joined for a conversation with Amie Miller, Acting State Conservationist and Lori Kassib, NRCS Idaho ASTC for Programs. We dipped in to the programs through NRCS that can offer major benefits for you on the farm.

December 1, 2021

Getting Real Results with Grasshoppers

Dry, hot summers create the perfect environment for grasshopper infestations, and that’s no fairytale. Join us for the conversation with Dr. Arash Rashed, University of Idaho entomologist, while we chat about the moral of Aesop’s famous tale — plan for tomorrow today — and reduce grasshoppers in your wheat fields next summer.

November 1, 2021

Perfecting Final Irrigation in Wheat

Catch up on our chat with Dr. Howard Neibling, Water Management Engineer and Extension Specialist at UI about final irrigation in small grains.

October 1, 2021

Nitrogen Management: Improving Efficiency in the Field

Nitrogen management and precision is critical in wheat production and we talk about how to dial in those nitrogen levels for efficiency.

September 1, 2021

Registered, Certified, and Title V: Understanding the PVPA

There are always a lot of questions about seed law and the PVPA. We answered them.

August 1, 2021

Not Today, Cheatgrass!

Cheatgrass can ruin your whole field. Find out how to stop it.

July 1, 2021

Buckwheat, Glyphosate, and Rye? Oh, My!

What you can do on the farm to keep Idaho wheat a reliable and highly sought-after commodity in the global market.

June 1, 2021

It’s Action Season for Wheat Marketing

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May 1, 2021

Controlling Prickly Lettuce

China lettuce, milk thistle, or compass plant. In Idaho, it’s just a weed and these are the best management practices to control it.

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